Generational Engagement Consultant

In school | in the workforce | in the world

Gen Z

Generational Engagement Consultant

In school | in the workforce | in the world

Gen Z

Generational Engagement Consultant

Bridge The Generation Gap with Gen Z

As a Generational Engagement Speaker, Consultant, and Professor, Dr. Karah Sprouse offers enlightening programs that help organizations bridge the generation gap, particularly with the youngest generation, Gen Z. Whether in-person or online, Karah offers insight and solutions from her own research, experience as a college business professor, and the most recent data to successfully lead organizations and teams that maximize each generation’s contribution.

Dr. Karah Sprouse is an in-demand speaker and workshop leader for businesses, universities, associations, and conferences. Her novel research on Gen Z in the workplace has been recognized and awarded at national and international academic conferences. Over the past decade as a business professor at Cumberland University, she has worked closely with thousands of Gen Z students, which has fueled her passion to advocate for this generation in professional and academic environments. She is passionate about helping organizations maximize the potential of all generations and thrive together.